We all face difficult and unpleasant tasks in life, tasks that we simply do not want to do. When confronted with these situations, you wonder if you have the courage, strength, and ability to do what needs to be done, let alone the desire to endure. Perhaps you need to have a difficult conversation with someone else and are dreading it. Conflict and confrontation make me sick to my stomach. There may be a large project around the house that you have been putting off for a long time, but the time for remodeling or repairs has finally arrived. Life is full of things we have to face, things we don’t want to face, and things we don’t want to do but have to. There is no way around them. The situations may appear to be unbearable, uneasy, and difficult. Many people give up and abandon their beliefs during such times. Who says you’ll be able to avoid such adversity? At some point in their lives, everyone experiences ups and downs. It was difficult for Jesus Christ to go through such a difficult time in his earthly life. The earth has been altered to present such a challenge to everyone. Our God-given convictions and perspectives play a critical role in rescuing us from such storms. Is Jesus truly sufficient? Because there are times when it appears that Jesus is losing and is nowhere to be found. It reminds me of when we were in school and had to write an exam. No matter how well you know the teacher and have developed a rapport with him during the examination periods, he is deafeningly silent. The teacher may appear in the examination hall, but he or she may never express an answer. In our darkest hours, Jesus is there for us. Jesus is enough for us!

We have, and continue to be, on the side where victory is always guaranteed. Never accept less or abandon the Christian race. It takes a strong faith in the Lord to overlook the current circumstances. Look beyond your pain and keep your gaze fixed on Jesus. Jesus is sufficient for everyone who accepts and believes in Him as Lord and personal savior. The problems can be overwhelming, but a constant focus on Him in the race only liberates at his own pace. “Jesus is enough!” I want you to tell yourself. “Jesus is enough!!” He is enough because it is only in Him that we find:

-Redemption from our lost state

-Forgiveness for all our sins and shortcomings

-Righteousness to stand before the holy God

-Peace with God the Father

-A Savior willing to sacrifice everything for God’s glory and our good

-The fullness of grace and truth

-Adoption into the family of God

-Victory to overcome the world.

Oh, what a package, everything placed inside of Him. A supreme treasure that can never be exchanged for anything else on the planet. Jesus satisfies our deepest longings and needs. Jesus is more than we could ever ask for. Jesus is more than we could ever ask for. Jesus is the source of your true identity and the source of your greatest hope. Giving Jesus everything we have is our joy and the wisest investment we can make. If everything else fails, but we still have Jesus, we have everything. When we have Jesus, everything is secure and will undoubtedly fall in good places. Why did you let Him go like that? Come to the Cross now and accept Him. He is willing to give you everything He has. Whatever happens in life, remember that Jesus is enough, and nothing can take away your joy. Embrace Jesus with all of you. Give your all to God. It’s time for us to come closer and much closer to knowing Jesus as the only one who gives us the best.


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